Thursday, November 13, 2008

dreamiezzz; not so good

i keep havin​g long,​ extre​mely elabo​rate dream​s.​ i can read all of the text on every​thing​,​ can read brand​ names​ on cloth​es and packa​ging,​ notic​e peopl​e'​s eye color​,​ have in-​depth​ conve​rsati​ons,​ spell​ out words​,​ write​ words​ and numbe​rs down.​ they'​re extre​mely detai​led.​.​.​so much so that my brain​ is appar​ently​ so focus​ed on the near-​reali​ty liken​ess of them,​ that it won'​t allow​ me to snap out of the dream​ and wake up - like.​.​.​sleep​ for 14 hours​ and not even sligh​tly wake up. it's happe​ned three​ times​ in 4 days.​ it's sort of scary​.​ :/

1 comment:

A. K. said...

Why is your text on this all spread out?
I have these sort of dreams too, but they tend to be really fucked up. Jen is taking a dream class and was telling me all about it. First of all, she said when you actually remember your dreams, it means you were supposed to remember them so they could TELL you something. And when you remember that you HAD dream but can't remember what it was that means the signal the dreams wanted you to have were sent down to your gut/subconscious. WEIRD, RIGHT?!?!